Meaning of his name
(Heb. Adamah = red dirt or clay, refering to the clay God used to form Adam.)
Created by God possibly in 3958 BC. Adam was made on the 6th day of Creation.
We have no idea of the month or day of the month. Some believed that God started creation on a new moon on the first day of the Jewish year. However, the Jewish year, according to Exodus, was only standardized at the time of the Exodus.
Adam and Eve were the beginnings of the human race. To them God gave dominion of the whole world.1 This dominion meant that they were in charge of the world. It was power, but it was also trust. For God instructed them to keep it.2 The idea of keep, is guard, protect, foster. Mankind's original job description was to be in charge of the world helping it to become, not only all that God had imagined, but all God and man could imagine in beauty, in harmony, in life, and in praise of the Creator.
Garden of Eden
When they were created, we are told they were placed in a garden, the Garden of Eden. They lived there happily until one day Eve was tempted by a serpent at the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Read that story at GoodEvilTree. Because of their sin they were banished from the garden.
Their first-born son was Cain. Then came Abel. Seth was their third born son. Their daughters are not named in the record.
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