

Page history last edited by Robert Brauer 18 years ago


Welcome to berith!


berith is a Hebrew word that means Covenant. It is the word that describes what God offers to every man, woman, girl and boy. What God offers is a bunch of fantastic promises.



In this wiki you will find lots of facts about God and about the Bible. But the purpose of this wiki is not just to share those facts. The purpose is that you will find in, above, between, and behind all of that, the God who loves you and wants to continue to love you forever.


A word of explanation. These pages are under construction. Many, if not all are unfinished. I welcome your comments and suggestions.


Bible Study is always about putting things together. A little here, a little there, here a little and there a little. The Bible was not organized to give us a systematic theology of God, the world and all. Most of it is built around stories. Stories of people like you and me who made mistakes. The Bible records those mistakes accurately so that we will know that these were real people. But it is also about God who worked with these imperfect people and when allowed helped them to become more than they started out to be. Who God is and what He is like is best seen as we look at how He interacted with these other people.


So as you click your way through these pages. Enjoy the stories. Dig for the facts. Look for God's footprints. Remember this is a wiki. That means that every blue word links you to another page. Feel free do check out those that intrigue you. There is no correct order for these pages. You decide what to read and when to read it.


Where to start? You can start with Adam or Abraham.


The Everlasting Covenant

Where to start? That depends on what you are looking for:

The Everlasting Covenant is a page about God's promises beginning from the Garden of Eden.



Chronology is a page about when things took place. It will lead you into the fascinating world of dates.



Creation is a page about the beginnings of this world.


Other pages will come as they are created. This wiki was started on October 15, 2006. It needs a lot of work still, so beware many pages are only begun.


Contact information

If you are interested in helping create this wiki contact me, Bob Brauer. You comments, corrections (I have to agree that it is a correction);) and responses are always welcome.



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